How much does a night in a hotel cost?

How much does a night in a hotel cost?

Night in a hotel cost in Marmaris, average daily rate in July and August for one room is from 4000 Turkish Lira weekday and weekend.

The room rates will drop by 25% – 30% in September and about 50% – 60% in October. The local hotel rates fluctuate depending on occupancy too.

Since decades in tourism the Turkish nationals are paying the highest rates at hotels in Turkey. The majority of Turkish families will stop traveling in mid September as the school year begins on the 12th of September 2022. This fact will directly have an impact on hotels’ occupancy and rates.

It is not a secret that travel operators do not pay hotel owners the full price and online booking sites earn commissions which hotels would rather avoid paying.

Consider talking to hotels directly for better deals and service.