New Rules to prevent Coronavirus spread in Marmaris
‘The only thing constant in life is change.’ – François de La Rochefoucauld
Sadly the number of infected patients in Turkey has risen to 359 said the Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey at midnight.
Marmaris is taking more precautions against the spread of coronavirus while it is not too late. Things could always have been done better, but Marmaris is fast to react and getting ahead of the rest of Turkey in so many ways.
Cleaning and hygiene have become the essence of life in Marmaris. The streets have been cleaned and disinfected.
Like all medical institutions and hospitals in Marmaris the veterinary hospital is open and its head veterinarinarian Dr. Göksel BAYRAMLI has confirmed all medical services are provided as usual.
Cafes, bars, nightclubs and restaurants were closed earlier this week. The only exception is for lokantas or eateries that are open at lunchtime like A La Turka eatery New rules include a requirement for waiters to wear gloves and masks and it is now down to one person at a table. Tea and coffee service is prohibited.
The commemorations of Canakkale victory on March 18th 2020 took place in Marmaris without public.
The weekly market was held on Thursday and a healthier environment is being created. The sellers are now wearing gloves, masks and sell fruit and vegetables in plastic bags.
The overall obsessive washing that would be spring cleaning is directly connected with the current situation in Turkey and the world.
Turkish people are encouraged to stay at home and avoid visiting the elderly.
It is still too early to say how long this will take. But we do already know that Marmaris and its people are doing their best to stop the spread of coronavirus.