Applying Working Visa

Applying Working Visa

Applying working visa
Applying working visa

Applying Working Visa

Applying Working Visa. It is essential that the foreigners intending to work in Turkey must obtain a work visa from the Turkish Missions abroad prior to their arrival. Those who arrive with their work visas and if the validity of their visas suitable, will be granted a residency permit first for one year then two or longer years.

You have to find your job first and put your application to a Turkish Mission abroad, e.g Turkish Consulate in London. Phone number is 020 7393 0202 — Fax: 020 7393 0066. The address is 43 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PA.

It would be best to apply for a job with one of the tour operators in United Kingdom, for instance you could work as a holiday rep in Marmaris.

Please put your application as early as possible so that required formalities will be completed on time. You will then be granted with a work permit only if your application is suitable.

If you are granted with one year residency visa, please do not forget to convert this visa to a residency permit in Turkey within a month commencing your arrival.